Xiong Shi Shaonian II:Venture beyond Guangdong and meet you next summer
Recently, the original action-comedy animated film Xiong Shi Shaonian II ("I Am What I Am II" in English) unveiled its first concept poster and a 30-second teaser in China. The concept poster prominently features a majestic lion, while the main characters, A Juan, A Mao, and A Gou, strike a pose in front of the Oriental Pearl TV Tower. What kind of new story will the protagonist team create this time?
Director Sun Haipeng, accompanied by the "Xiong Shi Shaonian Artistic Settings Collection", attended an exclusive interview with the media reporter from the Yangcheng Evening News during a sharing and signing event. Besides sharing the creative story of "Xiong Shi Shaonian", Sun Haipeng revealed that the living conditions of the character A Juan would be improved in the second season of the movie, where scenes are expanded beyond the Guangdong region and new characters are introduced.
Sun Haipeng said that "Xiong Shi Shaonian II" is currently in the animation production stage, aiming for a release in the summer of 2024.
From lion dance culture to folk customs, the film "Xiong Shi Shaonian II" showcases a collective representation of Lingnan culture, immersing the audience in an experiential journey. Sun Haipeng told the reporter that the majority of the production team grew up and lived in Guangdong, so the film naturally reflects the characteristics of Guangdong"s culture. The lion dance not only represents the heritage of Lingnan martial arts but also embodies the vibrancy of the Guangdong people and their spirit of endeavor.
Traditional intangible cultural heritage, after innovative interpretation, not only stands out but also positively influences the younger audience. The exhilarating lion dance competition depicted in "Xiong Shi Shaonian II" inspired a college student named Xiaoyi. After watching the film, she specifically attended several lion dance competitions and was deeply moved by the live performances. She expressed a strong desire to contribute to the protection of lion dance culture, which led her to volunteer for the intangible cultural heritage program in Guangdong, a commitment she continues to uphold.
Meanwhile, the Yangcheng Evening News has launched a themed event titled "Culture in the Greater Bay Area: Creative Painting of Intangible Cultural Heritage - Lion Dance". Among its related activities, the Yangcheng Evening News has organized a creative drawing event centered around the lion dance, which is targeted the young audience. Sun Haipeng personally extended his support for the event. When discussing the creative ideas and techniques for lion dance-themed artwork, Sun Haipeng emphasized that Guangdong has various types of lion dances, each representing different meanings. Due to the constraints of the film"s runtime, only a limited number of lion dance types can be presented. For young children aspiring to create unique lion dance artwork, Sun Haipeng encouraged them to observe and experience more on-site to draw inspiration from their surroundings.
同时,羊城晚报社推出《文化筑湾区 创意绘非遗—— 一代宗狮》主题策划,其中,面向青少年群体发起醒狮主题创意绘画活动。孙海鹏亲自为活动打call。谈及醒狮主题绘画的创意与技巧,孙海鹏认为广东醒狮种类多样,背后代表的意义也不同。因为电影时间有限,所以呈现的醒狮类型有限。如果想要创作出特别的醒狮,小朋友们可以多多观察,多去现场体验采风。
文、图|羊城晚报全媒体记者 刘佳宁 实习生 郑泳丹翻译|陈萱
来源 | 羊城晚报[gf]2022[/gf]羊城派责编 | 王楠 王瑜瑛校对 | 桂晴
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